What we do


We have expanded our range of services based on our many years of experience with commercial projects.

In 2022, we completed our first development project in Gdanski Aniołki – SILENCIO, in cooperation with GREENCOMM.

The combination of commercial and residential design expertise made SILENCIO a great success and was very well received by clients.

We create interiors that are not only beautiful but also ergonomic and finished to ensure comfort. Working only with reputable suppliers and subcontractors is our key achievement, which we have established through our extensive market experience.

Take a look at our projects and their progress.

Our story

How it all started

We believe success lies in maintaining high project design standards and thoroughly understanding our clients’ visions.


Symbio is a unique investment, located in a quiet and charming district of Gdańsk Aniołki.


Famillio is a housing estate of single-family terraced houses located in a cosy and quiet district of Gdańsk Zakoniczyn.


An intimate residential building in a quiet location with a private garden.


Would you like to work with us?

The work we do is varied and challenging. Do you have experience in team planning, organisation and management? Would you like to work for a growing company with international scope? Give HORIZONT a try! Send us your CV. We’d love to meet you!


Got a question?
Get in touch with us!

We will work with you to make sure your project gets done. Are you interested? Please fill out the contact form or give us a call!

ul. Krzemienieckiej Lucyny 9A
80-448 Gdańsk, Polska
REGON: 221472825
NIP: 5842721079
KRS: 0001074132

Submit your CV


Our projects create activity friendly spaces, from specialist gyms to fitness clubs and CrossFit. We make floors suitable for heavy equipment, and provide adequate air circulation and air conditioning. We also optimise the functional space when installing the fitness equipment.


We design projects according to current standards, taking into account brand sales targets. We make the most of your retail space with practical solutions that reflect the latest trends. We ensure that goods are attractively displayed and create friendly interiors for employees and customers.


Specjalistyczne siłownie, kluby fitness i crossfit – każdy projekt realizujemy tak, aby stworzyć przestrzeń przyjazną aktywności fizycznej. Wykonujemy posadzki odpowiednie do utrzymania ciężkiego sprzętu, zapewniamy odpowiednią cyrkulację powietrza i klimatyzację. Dbamy także o funkcjonalne projektowanie przestrzeni w zakresie ustawienia sprzętu do ćwiczeń.


Projektujemy zgodnie z obowiązującymi standardami, uwzględniając cele sprzedażowe marek. Jak najlepiej wykorzystujemy przestrzeń sklepową, stosując praktyczne rozwiązania żyjące w zgodzie z najmodniejszymi trendami. Dbamy o atrakcyjną ekspozycję towaru, tworząc wnętrza przyjazne dla pracowników i klientów.